
If you have children, developing a good parenting plan will be one of the most important things you can do when you separate from their other parent. Comprehensive parenting plans are encouraged to minimize conflict and confusion which can be harmful to children. In both the Canada Divorce Act and Alberta Family Law Act, the best interests of the child are taken into consideration.

Parents will need to consider how they will each share time with their children and how they will make important decisions related to them. Typically, a parenting plan will address:

  • the parenting time arrangement and schedule
  • how time is shared with the children on holidays and special occasions
  • the children’s extracurricular activities
  • scheduling and attending children’s events, activities and appointments
  • how information related to the children is exchanged
  • how the parents will communicate with each other about the children
  • notice of and consents for travel with the children
  • notice of a move or relocation
  • decision-making responsibility for significant decisions
  • such other considerations that the parents agree to include in their plan

Some plans are more open and flexible, others more specific and detailed. This can depend on the needs of each of the parents and their children. Whatever the parenting plan, the goal is to have one in place which facilitates a loving and healthy environment for your children, a smooth transition as they adjust to their parents’ separation, and which encourages healthy relationships and time with their parents.

At Peaceable Settlements, we can help you through mediation, collaboration, or arbitration to consider and put into writing your own Parenting Plan. Your children will appreciate it. 

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